Whether you are new to counseling or are checking it out for the first time, we are grateful you’ve taken a step towards finding the healing and help you need. Our counselors are not only highly trained to provide quality, professional counseling, but they are caring and empathetic. They truly desire what is best for you. Below is a list of areas we specialize in; however this is not a complete list. If you have a different counseling need, please reach out to us. If we are unable to meet your needs, we may be able to refer you to someone who can.
Let's get started
Child & Adolescent Counseling
Does your child have trouble dealing with their emotions? Is their behavior sometimes disruptive to your home life? Have they experienced sudden loss or trauma? As they grow, children and adolescents develop social skills and emotional intelligence. This awareness helps them to develop into healthy, happy, and successful individuals. But some children have trouble processing their emotions and this often leads to behavior ...
Play Therapy
Play Therapy is a developmentally appropriate way to provide therapy for children. Just as adults express themselves through words, children express themselves through toys and play. Registered play therapists are highly trained in providing therapy to children using various forms of play therapy theories and techniques.
Counseling for Teens
Being a teen is hard! Teens struggle with questions of identity, self-esteem, and social acceptance. Often teens need an emotionally safe person to confide in and to believe in them. While parents usually want to be this person, a teens growth toward adulthood means more independence from parents. Would your teen benefit from someone safe and caring to talk to?
ADHD Counseling
Some children with ADHD may be constantly in-motion, bouncing off the walls and disrupting others around them. Other children with ADHD may sit quietly, with their attention miles away. Treatment can make a dramatic difference in your child’s symptoms. With the right support, your child can get on track for success in all areas of life.
AutPlay Therapy
AutPlay Therapy is a play therapy approach designed to address the mental health needs of neurodivergent children, and their families. These include children with Autism, ADHD, sensory issues, social anxiety, as well as other physical or mental disabilities. If you feel your child will benefit from AutPlay Therapy, please click on the link below to learn more.
Parenting Coaching
It would be great if kids came with instructions! However, such is not the case. They are more like a puzzle for us to figure out, and they are all different. Thankfully, we do not have to navigate parenthood alone. Parenting coaching can help you learn to successfully parent each of your unique children.
Individual Counseling
If you’ve been feeling hopeless or lost lately, or struggling with a problem in your life that feels unsurmountable, individual therapy could help you improve your everyday life. Individual therapy helps you win against whatever you’re battling by putting a real expert in your corner by means of a professional therapist.
Christian, Faith-Based Counseling
Is faith an essential part of your life and well-being? Do you desire to incorporate faith in your counseling sessions? If so, please let your counselor know and they will be glad to provide faith-based counseling.
Women’s Issues
Women’s issues can take a serious toll on a woman’s emotional, physical, and mental health. The effects can be mild to extreme, and in many cases, women are not able to cope with their issues on their own. By seeking therapy, a woman can get the help she needs in overcoming an issue she has been struggling with.
Counseling for Trauma
While many people can recover from trauma over time with the love and support of family and friends and bounce back with resiliency, others may discover effects of lasting trauma, which can cause a person to live with deep emotional pain, fear, confusion, or post-traumatic stress far after the event has passed. In these circumstances, the support, guidance, and assistance of a therapist...
Counseling for Anxiety
Is anxiety taking over your life? Does it feel like you can’t control it no matter how hard you try? If this sounds like you, please reach out for help. Our practice offers the most effective forms of treatment, to get the relief from anxiety that you need.
Counseling for Depression
Are you feeling hopeless, isolated and not your usual self? Do negative thoughts about yourself and others often enter your mind? If so, you may be suffering from depression. You are not alone. Please reach out for help today!
Grief & Bereavement Counseling
Bereavement and grief aren’t light-hearted topics. Bereavement refers to the process of recovering from the death of a loved one, and grief is a reaction for any form of loss. Both encompass a wide range of emotions such as fear, anger and deep, deep sadness. The process of adapting to a loss can dramatically change from person to person...
Sandtray Therapy
Sandtray therapy, used with people of all ages, is a creative counseling technique that allows a person to express themselves and their experiences using miniatures or figurines. Scenes created in the sand help the person identify and process difficult thoughts, feelings, and experiences to find clarity and move forward from stuck places.
Do you need support, but can’t make it to an in-person appointment? Are you a busy stay-at-home or working parent, and don’t have the time to drive across town for an appointment? Do you live in a more rural area, or maybe you prefer to just do things Virtually? If so, we can help you through virtual therapy, or telehealth.
Don't wait to get the help you need.
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