Make an Appointment: 940-859-0108 |   [email protected]

  • Charlena Priddy, MS, LPC, RPT

    Hello! Here’s a bit about me:

    I am an independently Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and Registered Play Therapist (RPT) who integrates Christian faith with professional mental health training and skills. It is important to me to provide quality, professional counseling services that honors God and the value and dignity of each of my clients. I love working with women, children, adolescents, and families.

    Professionally: I began counseling in 2017. Prior to counseling, I taught 3rd and 4th grade in a public school. As a counselor, I have worked in non-profits, private practices, foster care settings, and in public schools. 

    Personally: I’m married and am the mother of two adult boys. I have three dogs and two cats. I love spending time with my family and animals in the great outdoors, hiking, swimming, or just hanging out.

    My Education & Credentials:

    BA in Communication Studies from the University of North Texas

    MS in Counseling and Development from Texas Woman’s University

    Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC)

    Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

    Registered Play Therapist (RPT)

    AutPlay Therapy Certified